It’s been a year full of celebration, reflection, and transition here at Cycles of Change. The wheels are always turning and the gears are always shifting, even as we have been able to return to many of our tried and true ways of teaching in person, hosting community rides and events, and deepening our connections with our surrounding communities and beyond.
This winter we are excited to invite you to ride with us! As we gear up for the coming year, we invite you to support our growth and deepen your commitment to our transportation justice and youth empowerment work by becoming a monthly sustainer. Recurring donations are the tailwind at our backs. Can you commit to a monthly donation to expand bike access and empower youth and communities of color in East Oakland and beyond? Monthly gifts of $10 and up are a big help – forego those lattes and support Cycles instead 😎
Our goal is to increase our Cycles of Change Sustainer Circle by 50 by the end of our campaign and celebrate with a Bike Club lead community ride – January 28th 2023! Consistent and reliable monthly donations allow us to support ten thousand East Bay residents every year. This year, with your support, we are focusing on expanding high school internships at The Bikery, growing the reach of our Bike Clubs and Upcycle programs, and investing in employment and leadership development for local youth. Join the Cycles of Change Sustainers Circle and play a crucial role in expanding ridership in communities of color in East Oakland and beyond!
Visit our campaign HERE!
Cycles of Change is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible – you will be emailed a donation receipt once the transaction is complete.